ET's From Andromeda

Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite Of 22 Different E.T. Races


 Alex Collier is one of the famous alien contactees who claimed that for over 30 years, he had been in contact with aliens from the constellation Andromeda. Their contact included multiple visits to aliens’ spaceships and telepathic connections for decades. Many well-known UFO enthusiasts considered Alex to be credible, at least in the sense that he tries to convey as fully as possible the information received from his contacts with the Andromedans.

 Alex Collier said that his first encounter with the Andromedans took place in 1964. Since 1985, he had been in constant and consistent communication with them. In 1993, he began attending seminars where he started sharing the information he received from the aliens with the people. In 1997, he even got a threat from some unknown people who wanted him to stop spreading the information. He took it seriously and did not speak until 2002.


According to various interviews by Collier, he described Earth being under the control of “regressive” extra-terrestrial beings. Those ET'sc came to earth from the star system known as Alpha Draconis. He said that humans are separated by two different philosophical belief systems. One of them spreads love & free will, while the other one shows control and resource consumption.

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