"Soda Shock: What Your Drink Didn't Tell You"

 Dr Pepper and other sugary drinks is considered unhealthy primarily because of its high sugar content, which contributes to weight gain, increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, and provides no essential nutrients when consumed in excessadditionally, it contains caffeine and phosphoric acid, which can have negative impacts on dental health and overall wellbeing when consumed regularly.

Ways That Sugary Soda Is Bad for Your Health.

Besides offering essentially no vital nutrients, sugar-sweetened drinks, including soda, can lead to health complications like weight gain, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and diabetes.

When consumed in excess, added sugar can adversely affect your health.

However, some sources of sugar are worse than others — and sugary drinks are by far the worst.

This primarily applies to sugary soda but also to fruit juices, highly sweetened coffees, and other sources of liquid sugar.

Here are 13 reasons that sugary soda is bad for your health. 

1. Sugary Drinks Do Not Make You Feel Full and Are Strongly Linked to Weight Gain.

2. Large Amounts of Sugar Are Turned into Fat in Your Liver.

 3. Sugar Drastically Increases Belly Fat Accumulation.

4. Sugary Soda May Cause Insulin Resistance — a Key Feature of Metabolic Syndrome.

5. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages May Be the Leading Dietary Cause of Type 2 Diabetes.

6. Sugary Soda Contains No Essential Nutrients — Just Sugar.

7. Sugar May Cause Leptin Resistance.

8. Sugary Soda May Be Addictive.

9. Sugary Beverages May Increase Heart Disease Risk.

 10. Soda Drinkers Have a Higher Risk of Cancer.

11. The Sugar and Acids in Soda Are a Disaster for Dental Health.

12. Soda Drinkers Have a Drastically Increased Risk of Gout.

13. Sugar Consumption Is Linked to an Increased Risk of Dementia.


Reality isn't always what it seems. Here is a wake-up call, or more of a metaphorical awakening? When we awaken it becomes obvious that we have been going with the flow, 

How God Uses Hard Times to Wake Us Up | Life quotes, Wake up call ...

Could we make it more relatable by creating a space where folks can find practical advice and inspiration to cut back on unhealthy habits. Maybe we can add some stories from people who've made similar changes? 

Start by shining a spotlight on those contradictions in our lifestyle.


"Sweet Lies:

The Snacks That Bite Back"

"The Bitter Truth"

"Processed Perils."

There's a lot to be said for transparency in our food system.

Decentralizing control could help level the playing field.

A global approach would be necessary and a huge undertaking. Having influential voices advocating for more open dialogue could create a ripple effect.

There is hope that change might be possible, even if it feels like a long road?


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