Seasonal allergies like allergic rhinitis (hay fever) can keep the sinuses irritated, causing the tissue to become dry and inflamed. This can lead to thickened or sticky mucus, which makes the problem worse. Allergic rhinitis can be triggered by allergies to

Sometimes, over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications can also cause your sinuses to dry out. Symptoms of seasonal allergies include: runny or stuffy nose sore throat itchy or watery eyes sneezing itchy throat, sinuses, or ear canals postnasal drainage fluid on the ears headache cough wheezing shortness of breath. The 2014 U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA2014) warned that simultaneous exposure to allergens and toxic air pollutants can amplify allergic responses. Meanwhile, the assessment reports, extreme rainfall and rising temperatures can lead to growth of indoor fungi and molds—another category of allergy triggers for some people.
You may think of milk, sweets, sweet beverages as comfort foods but if you are battling sinusitis, they may be adding to your discomfort as the protein in milk tends to increase and thicken mucous secretions so your best bet would be to avoid milk and dairy products especially at the time of sinus attack.
The nasal mucosa is very responsive to activity. As you exercise, the activation of the sympathetic network will exert a constrictive effect on the blood supply to the turbinates and the mucosal lining within the nose. These structures are responsible for airflow dynamics within the nasal cavity. There is also a general lessening of the blood pressure in your head as you rise to standing, leading to a decrease in the swelling within the nasal mucosa and the turbinate structures.
Various remedies can help manage dry sinuses at home, such as using a nasal spray, running a humidifier, and avoiding environments that dry the sinuses. If additional symptoms occur, a person may need medical treatment.
It’s that time of year. Cold winter weather and dry air are here. When you think about the winter season, you can’t help but remember those mornings waking up with a dry mouth, sore throat and sinus congestion.